The main plot of the Gospel According to Cameron goes like this: in the future the American military will stop at nothing to obtain a new energy source on another planet - even if it includes murder and destruction of innocent men, women, children and animals, the mutilation of the environment and the dismantling of a peaceful culture. According to Avatar Americans are nothing but invaders and oppressors, and the military is keen to comply with a no holds barred attack on another planet in order to maintain America's corporate need for more petrol. Welcome to the world of Hollywood's left wing political perspective only now it's in animated 3D.
Avatar unfolds by depicting the U.S. military as an interplanetary enemy of the peace loving inhabitants of a tranquil planet called Pandora. Due to the discovery of a new energy source on the planet, our troops or "people from the sky" encounter the planet's inhabitants - the Na'Vi - in their attempt to harness the resource. Unfortunately, this energy source is located beneath a giant Home Treelocated at the center of the Na'Vi culture and an object of Nature worship.
The Home Tree must be uprooted so we can get at this new "oil." The mission of one Marine is to compel the aliens to relocate from the area surrounding the tree so our troops can uproot the tree to tap this new resource. The aliens are not so quick to comply, and the military has no other resort than to destroy the tree and allow for devastating collateral damage.
Does Cameron think moviegoers are so dull that we cannot see Avatar's underlying message that the U.S. invades innocent countries in order to take over their energy resource even with the resulting loss of life. Sound familiar? The radical left wing accusation since the Gulf War to our present day invasion of Iraq is that America's wars are only a coverup for corporations seeking oil in these countries. In Cameron's mind there is no such thing as a war on terrorism. Our true motivation is merely to take over the oil fields of the world.
I wonder why Cameron chose American troops to be the alien invaders in the future? Why not the French, the Chinese, the Russians, British or the Spanish? Of course, we are the epitome of evil on this planet. Yet this Hollywood producer profits from the American free enterprise system and capitalism while he lives the "good life."
To Cameron America is everything the president of Iran says we are - "the great Satan." Avatar will be a major hit in Iran! Thanks Jim. Is it not odd that Cameron could not even imagine a futuristic Muslim military force conquering a foreign planet in order to possess their "oil." Only America is the kind of country capable of committing such a dastardly deed. If America is so evil, why does James Cameron choose to be a citizen of the "evil Empire"?
Avatar is also touted as one of the most influential movies of our time and will change how we will be viewing movies in the future. Cameron' script is predictable and daunting. If you're familiar with the radical message of the Left, then you'll already know scene-by-scene where this 3D feature is going. Along with Cameron, Michael Moore and Oliver Stone, haven't we seen enough of their proliferation of America hating cinema.
Had I known what Avatar was about, I never would have dished out nearly $30 for two tickets for a film that claims to made in revolutionary 3D, yet Cameron merely used 3D as a veneer for the larger message of exposing American imperialism and the United State's disregard for the environment. Actually, the 3D was more like viewing a children's pop-up book.
Oddly enough, Cameron never pulls off any 3D thrills. The Disney 3D short version of "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids," only seen at Disneyland, does a much better job showing us the marvels of 3D. Cameron has no idea what 3D films are supposed to look like. Despite an array of alien creatures on Pandora, not once did any of them pop out of the screen to send the audience scrambling to the concession stand out of fear of an alien creature on the loose. Who is Cameron kidding with his 3D antics? As my 14 year old son said, "the only thing that popped out were flowers and leaves." Perhaps a 3D version of Terminator II should have been done instead. Now we're talking . . . .
Should you see Avatar? Not if you care about how our troops are portrayed and how our country is dissed over and over by the Hollywood Left. I'm sorry I put any money in Cameron's pockets. Don't make the same mistake, but hit Hollywood where they hurt the most - their bank accounts. You're not going to miss some historic film that is going to change film history. Go see Blindside instead.
Stand up for our troops who put their lives on the line every day. Send a message to Hollywood that we're tired of their radical diatribes against America. Let the stars of the silver screen hear the voice of American people that we're not going to support their propaganda film making anymore. Instead of seeing Avatar, send your money to Wounded Warrior or Iraq Star or some other organization that supports the troops.
The result of boycotting Avatar? The next time James Cameron or any other leftist Hollywood mogul makes a film in which he assumes he is "King of the World," he will consider whether this time no one is going to show up to sit for nearly three hours of animated political brainwashing.